
Lichess stands with Ukraine

@pretzelattack1 said in #24:
> nope would not take years to become reality. how long did it take for Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia?
> Zelensky has said he wants nukes at various point
> The US never cared when the government of Guatemala murdered hundreds of thousands of its own people, or that Saddam murdered at least tens of thousands of his own people, or that the King of Saudi Arabia had a journalist hacked apart by bone saws, or that its sanctions of Iraq killed half a million including children, or that up to 2 ,million people died as a result of the Vietnam war. It never cared about the hundreds of thousands of people it killed or that died as a result of its invasion. it didnt care about the millions of people that Nazis it supported after world war 2 had killed.

> Russia supported Cuba for decades, and the US tried to overthrow and assassinate Castro after he deposed yet another US backed dictator. the purpose of the USSR nukes in Cuba was to counter the US nukes in Turkey pointed at the USSR, and they achieved that when the US backed down and agreed to withdraw those missiles. this detail was covered up at the time but later came to light.
> why do you think China puts more responsibility for this war on the US and NATO than it places on the US?

It took Latvia 13 years to be accepted as a NATO member!

Zelensky didn't say he wants nukes but, due to Russia's threats, and NATO not inviting Ukraine to become a member, he felt that at some point Ukraine would have to arm itself, reluctantly. That's very different than your disinformation.

Your other claims about Iraq, and Saudi, are patent nonsense
no the relevant parties are the US, NATO, and Russia. Ukraine is just a puppet, as it has been since the US instigated and supported a coup in 2014, overthrowing a democratically elected leader. the US has a long history of installing the leaders it wants in countries thousands of miles away, and Russia has a long history of warning the US not to do that on its borders, and here we are.
@pretzelattack1 said in #30:
> lol whataboutism. if both parties are wrong, both need to pull back, especially the parties that have the most responsibility for this war, long predicted by people from Henry Kissinger to Noam Chomsky to George Kennan. China correctly puts most of the responsibility on the US and NATO.

So where exactly should the Ukrainian people ( you know the ones actually fighting against the Russian invasion ) pull back to ?
Thomas L. Friedman(New York Times)June 24, 2015

NATO Defense Ministers are meeting in Brussels on June 24-25. To mark the occasion we are publishing George F. Kennan’s May 1998 interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. In it, Kennan foresaw the perils of NATO expansion, telling Friedman “I think it is the beginning of a new cold war...I think it is a tragic mistake.”

1998, a decade after the US agreed NATO would not expand. hysteria? lies? nope, historical fact.
@pretzelattack1 said in #32:
> no the relevant parties are the US, NATO, and Russia. Ukraine is just a puppet, as it has been since the US instigated and supported a coup in 2014, overthrowing a democratically elected leader. the US has a long history of installing the leaders it wants in countries thousands of miles away, and Russia has a long history of warning the US not to do that on its borders, and here we are.

It's funny but the Ukrainians are not fighting like puppets they are fighting and shedding blood like a people who do not WANT TO BE CONTROLLED LIKE PUPPETS !
well Mopman, why do you have such difficulty understanding the concept of both sides pulling back. the sides are not Ukraine, which i have repeatedly told you. try to focus. see if both sides pull back, Ukraine doesn't have to, and that will give Zelensky a chance to deal with his domestic Nazi problem.
no the people in the Ukraine government that have gotten so much money and support from the US are having others fight and die. The Ukrainians, which include those in eastern Ukraine that the puppet government has allowed to be murdered by Nazis, are in the process of losing a war in which they have no chance, a war that NATO and the US are more responsible for than anybody.
@pretzelattack1 said in #36:
> well Mopman, why do you have such difficulty understanding the concept of both sides pulling back. the sides are not Ukraine, which i have repeatedly told you. try to focus. see if both sides pull back, Ukraine doesn't have to, and that will give Zelensky a chance to deal with his domestic Nazi problem.

So the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and the Ukrainian people arming themselves and resisting the invasion with their blood and lives have nothing to do with the Ukraine ? RRIGGGHTTTTE , that makes sense .
If you think this war will end if Russia occupies and installs a puppet government , I have one word for you .

"George Kennan, the intellectual father of America’s containment policy during the Cold War, perceptively warned in a May 2, 1998 New York Times interview about what the Senate’s ratification of NATO’s first round of expansion would set in motion. ”I think it is the beginning of a new cold war,” Kennan stated. ”I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else.”

He was right, but U.S. and NATO leaders proceeded with new rounds of expansion, including the provocative step of adding the three Baltic republics. Those countries not only had been part of the Soviet Union, but they had also been part of Russia’s empire during the Czarist era. That wave of expansion now had NATO perched on the border of the Russian Federation."

all this has been known for decades, the warnings not just from Russia but from such stalwart opponents of the USSR as George Kennan and Henry Kissinger. but the US, and NATO, ignored them.

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