
Lichess stands with Ukraine

Ukraine wants to join NATO, and US official have often expressed a desire that it do so.
Ukraine wants a no fly zone, and wants nukes. that is an invitation to World War 3.
Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Chile, and many more countries were all sovereign countries when the US either invaded them or effectively overthrew their government.
The US did launch an invasion of Cuba that did not succeed. the only reason it didn't launch a full scale invasion was because of Russian support for Cuba, and the wmd's that the USSR started moving to Cuba to counter the wmd's that the US placed in Turkey.
yes it was 60 years ago, and the height of the US war in Vietnam was more like 50 years ago, and so was the US overthrow of the democratically elected Chilean government, the invasion of Afghanistan was 20 years ago, and the US genocide in Iraq was from about the same period. and yet the US is continuing the same foolish errors in foreign policy,despite the warnings of people all over the ideological spectrum, from Kissinger to George Kennan to Barack Obama.
@pretzelattack1 said in #15:
> lots of what if's being used to ignore the long record of genocide and treaty breaking by the US, and the long illegal expansion of NATO. do what you expect Karjakin to do, stop believing the lies of the US government. if you hold Karjakin to that standard, hold yourselves to it.

Such nonsense. The US has never been engaged in genocide, and other nations joining Nato has never been illegal. Maybe you should stop believing the lies of Kremlin.
@pretzelattack1 said in #21:
> Ukraine wants to join NATO, and US official have often expressed a desire that it do so.
> Ukraine wants a no fly zone, and wants nukes. that is an invitation to World War 3.
> Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Chile, and many more countries were all sovereign countries when the US either invaded them or effectively overthrew their government.
> The US did launch an invasion of Cuba that did not succeed. the only reason it didn't launch a full scale invasion was because of Russian support for Cuba, and the wmd's that the USSR started moving to Cuba to counter the wmd's that the US placed in Turkey.
> yes it was 60 years ago, and the height of the US war in Vietnam was more like 50 years ago, and so was the US overthrow of the democratically elected Chilean government, the invasion of Afghanistan was 20 years ago, and the US genocide in Iraq was from about the same period. and yet the US is continuing the same foolish errors in foreign policy,despite the warnings of people all over the ideological spectrum, from Kissinger to George Kennan to Barack Obama.

Ukraine does want to join NATO, but that would have taken years to become a reality. Although, Putin may have hastened Ukraines entry.

Your asserion that Ukraine wants nukes is a complete lie, and one that's perpetuated by your Kremlin masters.

Assad murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people, aided by Russia, who murdered innocent civilians during that massacre.

Russia never supported Cuba, but abused it for its own purpose . The purpose being to place nuclear bombs as close to the US as possible.
nope would not take years to become reality. how long did it take for Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia?

Zelensky has said he wants nukes at various point

The US never cared when the government of Guatemala murdered hundreds of thousands of its own people, or that Saddam murdered at least tens of thousands of his own people, or that the King of Saudi Arabia had a journalist hacked apart by bone saws, or that its sanctions of Iraq killed half a million including children, or that up to 2 ,million people died as a result of the Vietnam war. It never cared about the hundreds of thousands of people it killed or that died as a result of its invasion. it didnt care about the millions of people that Nazis it supported after world war 2 had killed.

Russia supported Cuba for decades, and the US tried to overthrow and assassinate Castro after he deposed yet another US backed dictator. the purpose of the USSR nukes in Cuba was to counter the US nukes in Turkey pointed at the USSR, and they achieved that when the US backed down and agreed to withdraw those missiles. this detail was covered up at the time but later came to light.

why do you think China puts more responsibility for this war on the US and NATO than it places on the US?
Claire Marie,look up the definition of genocide used by the UN, and explain why that does not fit the US actions in Iraq, or Vietnam for that matter. maybe you should look up the history of the agreements between Reagan and Gorbachev. The USSR voluntarily dissolved, asking in return that the US would guarantee that NATO not expand east of Germany. NATO started violating that agreement quickly, leading to experts like George Kennan warning as early as 1998 that that might lead to a war between Russia and the US. Barack Obama refused to supply Ukraine with weapons it requested in 2012, precisely because he recognized the core Russian interest in not being invaded again from the West, and incidentally recognized that the US had no such interest in Ukraine.
Whataboutism@pretzelattack1 said in #24:
> nope would not take years to become reality. how long did it take for Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia?
Independent countries have the right to form defensive alliances with any group they choose.

> Zelensky has said he wants nukes at various point
Now that Russia is invading one of their neighbors . . . again.

> The US never cared when the government of Guatemala murdered hundreds of thousands of its own people, or that Saddam murdered at least tens of thousands of his own people, or that the King of Saudi Arabia had a journalist hacked apart by bone saws, or that its sanctions of Iraq killed half a million including children, or that up to 2 ,million people died as a result of the Vietnam war. It never cared about the hundreds of thousands of people it killed or that died as a result of its invasion. it didnt care about the millions of people that Nazis it supported after world war 2 had killed.

> Russia supported Cuba for decades, and the US tried to overthrow and assassinate Castro after he deposed yet another US backed dictator. the purpose of the USSR nukes in Cuba was to counter the US nukes in Turkey pointed at the USSR, and they achieved that when the US backed down and agreed to withdraw those missiles. this detail was covered up at the time but later came to light.
Whataboutism #2

> why do you think China puts more responsibility for this war on the US and NATO than it places on the US?

China's press ( and people ) are no more free than Russia's , insert coin and try again.
@pretzelattack1 said in #25:
> Claire Marie,look up the definition of genocide used by the UN, and explain why that does not fit the US actions in Iraq, or Vietnam for that matter. maybe you should look up the history of the agreements between Reagan and Gorbachev. The USSR voluntarily dissolved, asking in return that the US would guarantee that NATO not expand east of Germany. NATO started violating that agreement quickly, leading to experts like George Kennan warning as early as 1998 that that might lead to a war between Russia and the US. Barack Obama refused to supply Ukraine with weapons it requested in 2012, precisely because he recognized the core Russian interest in not being invaded again from the West, and incidentally recognized that the US had no such interest in Ukraine.

Whataboutism # 3 , we can do this all week you know.
and while you are at it, Claire Marie, could you explain to me why China, with a very long border with Russia, and a history of conflict with it, still blames the US more than it blames Russia?
both sides need to pull back, and negotiate security guarantees. Russia needs to pull out of Ukraine, and the US needs to stop trying to protect its status as the only superpower at the moment, because that aggressive foreign policy is putting the whole world in danger.
@pretzelattack1 said in #28:
> and while you are at it, Claire Marie, could you explain to me why China, with a very long border with Russia, and a history of conflict with it, still blames the US more than it blames Russia?
> both sides need to pull back, and negotiate security guarantees. Russia needs to pull out of Ukraine, and the US needs to stop trying to protect its status as the only superpower at the moment, because that aggressive foreign policy is putting the whole world in danger.

Both sides need to pull back ? So the Ukrainians should pull back to . . . Poland ?
lol whataboutism. if both parties are wrong, both need to pull back, especially the parties that have the most responsibility for this war, long predicted by people from Henry Kissinger to Noam Chomsky to George Kennan. China correctly puts most of the responsibility on the US and NATO.

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