
Chess Jokes

You all have to check yourselves before you wreck yourselves! Especially the Czech one...
Some chess people win u must have to sacrifice...then I show him fools mate...
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someone says someone to go and eat some cheese.
a person from a country where 'chess' is pronounced as 'cheese': goes and tries to eat a pawn
@HeylithaV said in #14:
> [...] tries to eat a pawn

His Grace: "Hey Horsey, do you fancy heading off across the board with me to eat some pawns?"

Sir Prancealot: "I can't right now, I'm pinned.
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It sees like most of the joke tellers here could be top of the bill at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Anything that passes for actual comedy has been cancelled as it offends everyone who’s looking to be offended even when there’s nothing to be offended about.

South Park recently did the best skit ever. “Privacy, privacy.. we want privacy” . That’s been the only thing worth watching in the last 5 years.
Two Australiens playing chess.

Player 1: Check, mate!

Player 2: Thats not check mate, its just check, mate!
@e_x said in #18:
> Two Australiens playing chess.
> Player 1: Check, mate!
> Player 2: Thats not check mate, its just check, mate!

He said "Check might".
Boris and Vlad are playing a half hour game at their local club.
Boris makes his first move, and Vlad just sits there as if he's in a trance, so Boris walks around and looks at the other games while he waits for Vlad to move.
By the time Boris gets back 10 minutes have passed and Vlad still hasn't moved, so Boris gives Vlad a shake to wake him up.
"I'm sorry" says Vlad, "I was thinking about how my wife said I play too much chess and she'll leave me if I play at the tournament this weekend".
Boris replies "that's awful, what will you do?"
Vlad says "play 1. d4 as white"

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