
Thibault Ukraine Russia Moral Standpoint

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@Alex_1987 said in #20:
>Is it called "politics" when one country invades other country with full-scale war and numerous atrocities? Was WW2 also purely boring political thing not worth an attention?
On the calls to ban only pro-war russians. Well, there are actually a lot of them on these forums. They openly state their pro-war opinion, carry russian flag in the profile and... play chess. So, it's kinda not working... Maybe banning a flag as a symbol would be more reasonable.<

Was Bucha a political statement?

If I fly the flag of Ukraine I am showing my support for a country that has been attacked by an aggressor. I am showing my support for the men, women and children that are the victims of that aggression. How many of us are fathers that would cry if our own children were //////? Or wives were //////?
[Please note that to avoid upsetting anybody's sensibilities to the truth I use a series of ////].

If I fly the flag of Russia I am showing my support for a country that is the aggressor.

If I condone the flying of the flag of Ukraine am I, by default, also a supporter of Ukraine?
If I condone the flying of the flag of Russia am I, by default, also a supporter of Russia?

A flag is a symbol of a country, if we fly the flag we show our affiliation to that country.

I live in England and fly the flag of England. I love England. It stood alone in the fight against Nazism, however, in the past, England imposed itself upon the world. Germany also tried to impose itself upong the world, that is also in the past. We do not live in the past, we live in the present.

If England invades its neighbour, France, and sends countless rockets against its civilian population and /////// /////// ////// will I continue to fly the flag of England? And let the world know that I am in support of what my country is doing?

Everybody, by now, that flies the flag of Russia, knows what has been carried out and is still being carried out. In the present. It is happening now. Not 100 years ago. Or 50 years ago. Now, as we speak.
If I do not challenge the flying of the flag of Russia, and instead play games with those that do, am I (by association) also showing my support for ////// ////// ////// ////// and //////?
There seems to be a lot of propaganda about flags in chess. It's a very controversial topic. Maybe education can solve it.

Educational Film that dates back 66 years ago: How to Recognize Propaganda
Life often involves some very hard choices. Respect goes a long way. Love they neighbor as they self comes to mind.

Moral Standpoint: In our profiles the flags are optional. Displaying a flag is a personal choice and that freedom of choice should be respected.

Chess is a battle between players. The flag's displayed in the chess profiles are not battle flag's.

I found a quote: “Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.”
― Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People
@Toscani said in #33:
> I found a quote: “Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.”
> ― Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People

I found another quote:
"The most pious cannot remain in peace, if the evil neighbor doesn't like it."
(Friedrich Schiller)
@anythingGo said in #34:
> I found another quote:
> "The most pious cannot remain in peace, if the evil neighbor doesn't like it."
> (Friedrich Schiller)
So just to be clear, the evil neighbour in your quote is the Russian man playing chess on lichess?
@SuperiorWood said in #35:
> So just to be clear, the evil neighbour in your quote is the Russian man playing chess on lichess?

No, I didn't say that. Actually I just posted a quote.

But just to be clear, the evil neighbor represents all those who attack their neighbour, kill, torture, rape, abduct children, throw bombs at civilian infrastructure... and, of course, also all those who support or approve of it.
Okay but we're talking about banning people from playing chess because they happen to be a certain nationality.
so when the ukrainian neonazis burned 50 protestors in Donbass alive that was bad, right? and when the US instigated a coup in Ukraine, not to mention all the neighbors (Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc etc etc) and non neighbors (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc etc etc) you were condemning US chess players correct?
@SuperiorWood said in #37:
> Okay but we're talking about banning people from playing chess because they happen to be a certain nationality.

I think you need to read more posts of people carrying russian flag in their profile to understand better this part:

@anythingGo said in #36:
> and, of course, also all those who support or approve of it.

As it was mentioned presenting the flag is optional on lichess. And many people choose to, willingly showing their support to evil.
Its interesting the amount of crap that people say and think that it is intelligent.
Flying a Flag only means you live in that country. Unless you are Brain dead and live in one county and fly another countries flag or try to ban flags altogether.
Their are 300,000,000 people in America where I live and whose flag I do fly. What does what I or any other American says or thinks. Say or mean.
Haters are still going to Hate criticize and complain. Your a bowl floater that's all.

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