

GM GrandmasterThinking Lichess coach picture

GM Davorin Kuljasevic

With dedication and persistence, improvement is inevitable.

StadPlovdiv Bulgaria
SpråkEnglish (US), Hrvatski, български език
RatingFIDE: 2539
Timepris$120/hr ; Prepaid block discounts are possible
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IM buki23 Lichess coach picture

IM Vladimir Bukal

FIDE Trainer since 2007

StadZagreb Croatia
SpråkEnglish (US), Italiano, Hrvatski
RatingFIDE: 2356207724021937
Timepris30€/1 hour;
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FM Sajkochess Lichess coach picture

FM Radosław Dzierżak

Mistrz FIDE i absolwent psychologii wraz z przedmiotami pedagogicznymi chętny do podzielenia się swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem.

StadKatowice Poland
RatingFIDE: 2254
Timepris55-115 zł
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IM iakov98 Lichess coach picture

IM Jakob Pfreundt

ab April wieder für regelmäßiges Training verfügbar

Stad Germany
RatingFIDE: 2451267927932375
TimeprisCoaching: 40€ /// Training Games: 20€
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GM Esssquire Lichess coach picture

GM Vladislav Kovalev

I invite all people in my chess online school! Я приглашаю всех желающих в мою шахматную онлайн школу!

StadMinsk Belarus White-red-white
Språkрусский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 270329662693
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GM Fandorine96 Lichess coach picture

GM Maksim Chigaev

Я считаю своего каждого соперника мастером до тех пор, пока он не докажет обратного. (с) В. Панов

Stad Spain
SpråkEnglish (US), русский язык
RatingFIDE: 264629592853
TimeprisFrom 60$ (5500 руб), depends on the level of potential student. Discounts are possible
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IM Metra93 Lichess coach picture

IM Artem Gilevych

"Work hard! Because hard work and passion beat the talent."

StadBudrio Italy
SpråkItaliano, русский язык, українська
RatingFIDE: 242026942627
Timepriscontact me and ask
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FM Crazy_Couch Lichess coach picture

FM Евгений Климентов

Любите шахматы и они ответят вам взаимностью!

Stad Russia
Språkрусский язык
RatingFIDE: 229927252500
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FM LastOfTheMohicans_89 Lichess coach picture


My purpose is to help you become a person

StadKazan Russia
Språkрусский язык
RatingFIDE: 240024292500
Timepriswe will discuss this issue in person
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NM BeStRoMaNo Lichess coach picture

NM Davide Cappai

"Vincere non è importante, è l'unica cosa che conta"

StadRoma Italy
Timepris♟️🎯 Contattami per una prova 🎯♟️
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