
Why several forum posts of @tpr has being deleted?

<Comment deleted by user>
Moderator actions are not taken in isolation, and they are discussed by the moderation team before action is taken (wherever something may be controversial). Please know that we also warn users of their infractions before taking more severe actions if behaviour continues. We do not discuss individual cases publicly, only with the user in question.
Edit: A lot of messages appeared after that I didn't notice while typing so I removed this message.
@somethingpretentious But chat-banning tpr doesn't make any sense. He is by far one of the most helpful members of the Lichess community. As far as I know and I'm sure many people here can give testimony and witness that tpr has never publicly shamed, insulted, spammed or abused anyone in the forums or violated the forum-etiquette.

He just likes to help people here and give his valuable insights.
As I mentioned, the discussion is only between Lichess and the user, it won't be discussed publicly.
because I see them ... it makes me wonder strange. I'm sure I see them, it's called tpr, right? then I see very well his posts
yeah well if you look through page 1,2, and 3 of this forum, you can’t see any posts of him can you? But if you go to his profile you can see that he tried to make posts here.
@tpr says that he refuses to appeal because he has not done anything wrong ( I found it on his profile).
But if you have done nothing wrong then you appeal.
@somethingpretentious Is @tpr chat banned forever? Or it is temporary?

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