
Why several forum posts of @tpr has being deleted?

@tpr If you have done nothing wrong then shouldn't you appeal ? They have unlawfully banned you.
You always post informative stuff and give good insights, There is no reason at all as to why someone should ban you.
Its' pure misuse of power by whoever did this.
@CalbernandHowbe page not found,but if I go to the profile and enter his discussions I see them

@ZwischenzugX11 yes you are right but I see all the posts of @tpr ,because then usually it says "this user has violated the terms of service of lichess" but in this case no, then I see everything, and you don't, strange things ...
Of course we can see the forum posts in his profile, everyone can, but if you look in this forum there are no posts by tpr. Chatban doesn’t show as a mark.
I suppose when you got chatbanned, if a thread like this was made about you, you would make another account just to say that.
I leaved lichess for 1 week and several changes were made, we can know donate directly from the "community" tab, we can delete our posts and tpr has been blocked.
I still don't know why.
Lichess you had better un- chatban (@)tpr, he was a very active and cool member of the community, and he has offered a lot of help and advice to many members, including me. This is absolutely ridiculous.
@tpr has also tried posting in this forum but i dont think anyone can see his messages. :-( You can see in his profile/activity
Is it just me or are lots of decent poeple that did absolutely nothing wrong getting chatbanned?

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