
Search "user:failcow_9"

12 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - where can I find my questions?#3

thanks got it now, hardly visible but now I saw it

Lichess Feedback - where can I find my questions?#1

I'm looking for my old posts, have no idea how to find them.

Lichess Feedback - Where can I find my posted topics?#1

I can't find my own posts. can I find them?

General Chess Discussion - chess poem, where is it?#3

Tried that, nothing comes up :(

General Chess Discussion - Offering a Rematch After a Win#28

When I win and my opponent asks for a rematch I always say "one game is enough to prove my superiority" and leave. just kidding. No, well actually it's more rude to not ask for a rematch. I think ther…

General Chess Discussion - chess poem, where is it?#1

I just saw some chess poem here on lilchess which I really liked. I had thought of saving it but now I lost it. Where can I find it? It was something...if chess is an art it's a very exact one...bla b…

Lichess Feedback - Variant with 4 person chess?#9

I'd love to play some variant with 2 vs 2 players. Would prefer to try it out in a regular chessgame though. Each player get every second move. Bughouse and crazyhouse seems complex but maybe I could …

General Chess Discussion - Why I prefer lichess to other sites. #1

Why I prefer lichess to 1. It's faster and more functional. And I love the feature to see all games at once in little squares. is more colorful and maybe looks better at times but …

General Chess Discussion - Which sounds cooler ?#5

Lol Here's a thought: they should have different way of saying it depending on how hard fought the game was. A long hard fought, even game but with checkmate: "white is victorious" A long hard fought …

General Chess Discussion - takebacks#7

Half the game is about taking advantage of mistakes. You may seem like a bad person if you turn down takebacks but really it's the most fair deal. You shouldn't loose because you allow someone else a …
