
What’s your favourite Shakespeare play + quote?

Mine is Macbeth.
Here’s a quote ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’ ;)
🇱🇷.let's make America great again🇱🇷
> And give to dust that is a little gilt
> More laud than gilt o'er-dusted.

(Ulysses in Troilus and Cressida)

I'd say, with Edgar, ripeness is all.

#2 That’s what they all say xD
I can't recall any quotes from it, but I've always been partial to Cymbeline
#3 Nice one! ‘Ripeness is all’ indeed.
Have you read the Iliad?

#5 Cool, I haven’t read it but the theme seems interesting.I’ll add it to my reading list!
"It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
- Macbeth

Reminds me of a few people we all know, lol...
Merchant of Venice
"I shall grow jealous of you shortly, Launcelot, if you thus get my wife into corners."
"It is a wise father that knows his own child."
@Mezmer Life is but a walking much doom and gloom in Macbeth but amazing plot imo nonetheless.
‘What, all my pretty chickens and their dam’ (Macduff after hearing the news of murders of his family) Shakespeare always find ways to lighten up the atmosphere somehow ;)

‘Reminds me of a few people we all know’ Lmao, I’ve a few people in mind xD.I wonder if we are thinking on the same page lol
@Tae7 - and of course, no one can forget the epic "Lay on Macduff!" So much atmosphere and mood permeates through the entire play. It was definitely my favourite of the ones we read in school.
And yes... we probably are thinking on the same page ;)

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