
I don’t know how some people can work so hard

I consider myself a hard worker. I’ve worked Manuel labor jobs that are 11 hour days 6 days a week. But currently I work with two different guys who are working two full time jobs. One guy works a 10 hour job Monday-Friday then after works an 8 hour job in the Night Shift immediately after Monday-Friday. He told me he sleeps only 2 hours a night untill the weekend which he sleeps for 24 hours straight. The other guy works 11 hour shifts 6 days a week then a 4 hour shift 7 days a week right after. I consider myself a hard worker but I don’t think I could ever do what these guys are doing. Does anyone here work 90+ hour weeks for years at a time?
Anyone who's not working 24 hours a day 7 days a weak is wasting his boss' money.
I understand that the secret of getting ahead is getting started in life, concerning work especially, which is admirable, not being idle, but I express caution here: don't bite on more than you can chew following their example unless you can handle it and really want it - there are serious drawbacks for having a life out-of-balance. You don't have to allocate your time like this below, but give it some thought, because burn-out is real, as life often catches up with people. Remember: people work to live normally; rather than living to work, where retirement is paying yourself for what you love to do after slaving away for 30+ years setting aside 20%, statistically to live life comfortablly into your Social Security years.

As a baseline of a "normal" person's bite sized chew doing well without burn-out might be: 40 hours a week combined for work and school, with occasional overtime. 9am - 5pm, mon-fri. 40 hours a week comined for sleep. 9pm - 5am, mon-fri. Of course there's meals, hygeine, dating life, friends, shopping, online stuff, exercising, and relaxing to complete the day however you choose to fill it with meaning for the remaining 40 hours, including chess and fun. On saturday, maybe a chores and catching up with anything day, being semi-free for whatever and don't forget to sleep. On Sunday, maybe a free day used for religion or any philosophy that explores spirtuality, and don't forget to sleep. Then, it repeats. Not everyone's life is in such a pattern, but such a pattern is reasonable and then there's vacation and enjoyment of life too, assuming that's in the budget. And then sometimes things pop up like vehicle maintaince, or unexpected family emergencies, etc - with this kind of schedule you shouldn't be overwhelmed, but hopefully not underwhelmed either, generally.

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