
select puzzle difficulty

"Always solving capture moves will not help to solve mates in 2 (considered as weaker)."

I think this is a good point, I just question how many people there are that can solve the complicated exchange puzzles in the higher ratings that would gain much from solving the straightforward mating sequences of the lower-rated puzzles. There's a reason the lower-rated puzzles are rated lower, and it is because a greater number of people playing them find them solvable. That's the point of the rating system, and any other chess rating system: The higher-rated ones are harder to beat.

There can be complicated and hard-to-find mating sequences, too. They just, by definition, have higher ratings. Searching for easy (easy is relative and subjective, of course) mate-in-two puzzles is still only helping to solve easy mate-in-two situations.
I am very much a supporter for having a possibility to select puzzle difficulty. This would also solve
Psyman2's problem that he is getting too easy puzzles.

I get too much hard puzzles. Though I am able to solve a lot of them, it is tiring me and I would like to get a lot easier puzzles. It is more fun for me. (Also, I have the suspicion that solving more easier puzzles is more of a training effect. But that is not the point.)


Add a possibility to play weaker or stronger puzzles at will. This is just the same as with normal games: There, you have the possibility to play stronger or weaker opponents at will, too. It does not skew the rating system much, if at all.

It could be as with normal games, where you can give an upper and a lower rating of the opponent.
But for me it would be enough to give a target rating of the puzzle and then I should get puzzles around that rating.

Why not implement it? It would be very easy to do and Psyman2 could get as strong puzzles as he likes and Potshot and me and many others could get as weak puzzles as we like.
For normal games, this is an obvious feature which all sites have, but sadly not for puzzles.

And no, the possibility to log out and just solve easy puzzles unrated is not the same and no replacement. Exactly like being logged off and playing unrated games is not the same as having the possibility to select the rating of the opponent at will.

It's sad that such an easy thing to implement gets so much headwind.

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