
The Chess Captcha

To be honest,We all can solve the checkmate captcha in lichess but some of the newbies who just joined chess and don't know the moves yet cannot.So I request for like a replacement of captcha with some others taks
its mate in 1. If people can't solve them they probably shouldn't comment on the forum
@Nihar_Raju_23 said in #1:
> To be honest,We all can solve the checkmate captcha in lichess but some of the newbies who just joined chess and don't know the moves yet cannot.So I request for like a replacement of captcha with some others taks
That is why the game link is given. Users can go to the game and copy the move
@LichLegend said in #2:
> its mate in 1. If people can't solve them they probably shouldn't comment on the forum

I think allowances should be made for a parent who doesn't know the rules, but wants to understand Lichess better for their child. For instance, questions about kid mode.
On a chess platform? No, sry. If you can not solve it yourself than you could even let a computer do it for you.
It's honestly one of the coolest features on lichess imo.
@airfloo said in #7:
> Huh?
"No sirree" is an emphatic way of saying No. Longer than "No sir"; shorter than "No sirree, Bob". Sry could be a phonetic abbreviation of sirree. "No, sorry" is an apologetic way of saying No. Sry may be a contraction of sorry.

Sirree is spoken much more than written. So much so that its spelling hasn't standardized yet. Siree (one r) is also used.

What does your sry mean?
@mcgoves said in #8:
> "No sirree" is an emphatic way of saying No. Longer than "No sir"; shorter than "No sirree, Bob". Sry could be a phonetic abbreviation of sirree. "No, sorry" is an apologetic way of saying No. Sry may be a contraction of sorry.
> Sirree is spoken much more than written. So much so that its spelling hasn't standardized yet. Siree (one r) is also used.
> What does your sry mean?
Obviously sorry

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