
strongest players to never becomes world champions!

#20 Yes, yet on that whole year (2013) Rubinstein was number #1.
#20 It is true, Alekhine's death was a good thing to world chess, as is the death of any dictator. Then came Fide and more or less justice to the world chess championship.
Fischer would not have agreed to that justice: he said the Soviet players colluded and kept Botvinnik artificially at the top.
Fair world championships start with Fischer and ended with Kasparov leaving FIDE and starting his private championship.
#23 I did mean at least after Alekhine's death there were definite WC cycles. Even today it is possible to have collusion between players. In every sport there is trouble in define what is truly fair in a WC cycle. In general politics play a great role on it.
Fine maybe and if Beth was real probably!
#23 There has been sufficient evidence that Soviet players colluded to improve their tournament scores but I still think, that Botvinnik woulld've remained at the top
There are suspicions that the Estonian Keres was forced to lose 4 games against Botvinnik in the World Chess Championship 1948.
There are suspicions that Bronstein was forbidden to win his world championship match against Botvinnik.
There are suspicions that Keres had to lose games on purpose against other USSR grandmasters in Zürich 1953.
Fischer complained that the Soviet grandmasters made easy drawy among each other in the Curaçao candidates tournament so as to focus on beating him. They reportedly also discussed his games in Russian while play was going on. Fischer wrote a complaint and decided he would never play any candidates' tournament again. FIDE later changed from tournament to matches. Only then Fischer became World Champion in 1972.

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