
Some people just leave a game without resigning - implement automatic reminder not to do that?

"Just give them so much extra time, and than do some puzzles or something else. So they can't play anymore any other game until they resign."

That might be true on other platforms. Here they can just go on and start another game, no matter how many of their games are technically still running.

Leavers are a huge problem here, it's much worse than anywhere else. But giving them extra time doesn't help one bit.

Also blocking doesn't prevent pairings in tournaments.
comment 6 @Lil_Puppet is right u all should value these kind of people - they are very rare and the numbers of egocentric evil trolls are increasing - u may belive me not but i say it however, that after I made a forum post complaining about people who has 2 tabs lichess open and they switch to another tab and they pretend to be in game but they r left to take others time i actually encountered more of these cases thereafter.

i agree with the post maker and they should also implement punish.
It don't take too long to claim win if they leave, however sometimes idiot stay until time run out and best you can do is just lean on a chair and watch youtube...
Yes, it really is frustrating when people just abandon a game. Seems to happen here more than one wold reasonably expect. I think part of the problem is that people close a tab and think that shuts down their game -- which it does not. The opponent is left staring at the clock. Ugh... Once had a fellow let more than four minutes runs down without resigning. Now THAT was ridiculous!
I guess you can just open another tab and do whatever you want to, it works for me. And just send his name to a moderator, and just enjoy.
If an opponents goes offline--for various reasons--lichess should offer him or her 30 seconds time to reconnect. The other player takes the victory if the opponent doesn't show up in a given time. In this way the winning player saves time.
#14 -- it does shut down the game, you have the immediate option to claim victory, I believe.

#16 -- yes but sometimes, if they just switch to another tab, the amount of time to claim victory is extremely long.
@Potshot #8: That is a great idea, how come I didn't think of it before? *evil smile*

If you are patient enough, you could give them 24 hours extra time and then the next day give them another 24 hours... and again the next day! That should discourage the opponent from EVER leaving the game again >:D
A chess game could go full screen or be locked into foreground and must resign to get control of the browser or again lose automatically the game if your chessboard does not stay in the foreground.

A feature that is needed: The player should press F11 before playing their first move. Pressing the function key F11 again during the game ends the game, with an automatic resign.
That could become a boomerang. The evil guy just leaves to read a novel, with his browser in the game, and the good guy not only has to wait, he neither cannot use his own computer for the waiting time.

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