
Looking for Students

Actually a little bit disturbing that someone who is going to train you up to "analyse their games alone" and "coach newbies" and ultimately "become a professional at the game" doesn't know what FM stands for...

Also disturbing is the rating - you won't be able to learn much from this guy, and $10 an hour is a rip off for what he could teach you. You'd do much better just reading tutorials, watching videos, playing puzzles, and trying to apply what you learn to games.

The top chess players all still receive coaching. Even Magnus Carlsen will have a camp, specialised in certain areas. A 2070 player is not going to teach you to become a professional. They will teach you how the pieces move, basic tactics, and basic openings.
#9 lol.

#11 I agree with your final comment, and that's why I'm asking what his qualifications are. If he doesn't have any, it's a clear ripoff.
Well see haha Big FMs posting in my article woah! love it haha see guys maybe u have students or dont have students i dont care see I do help people for free but if he wants to take official classes then I just take a minimal compensation for that. Moreover I abide the lichess laws as non profit development of game and $10 is jst a mere profit for a hour.
A guy named SuperGrandPantzer69 challenged me in a bullet game where I am the worst hitting someone of his hip haha really not expected this from you and moreover if you really wanna play with me come in a classical game I am really ready to play with you.Dont judge someone by his bullet skills
You are contradiction yourself #13. If you charge $10 its not non-profit.

Of course there is nothing wrong with trying to help people improve. But if I was going to pay someone to help me improve my game I would chose someone with qualifications and someone I could trust. Not a random who made e forum post.

As previously stated: if anyone is looking for a coach, check out, where every coach is approved and verified by
Actually u all are right I know that I am a FIDE 1510 which is quite low but I gained 400 elo points in 4 tournaments have beaten 3 GMs in my short career andt this is just a place to share my knowledge, If you dont want to pay those $10 its completely fine, I am always open so anyone can ask anything. Actually Fide Master Lovlas I want to coach because I want to learn twice.
"Teaching is learning twice"

Maybe you all are annoyed with me :(
Its my FIDE Card :)
I think a rating of 1500 in India has a value
Thank you to all of my friends who has criticised me so much but its patience which is my weapon and thats what I am using :)
I am just 15 I am always looking to learn and this $10 which I earn from my profession are all for my game :) I want to participate in Big tournaments so that I can learn :)
"I am a FIDE 1510"..."have beaten 3 GMs in my short career"

I am finding this very hard to believe.

I think wanting to pass on chess knowledge is an admirable goal, but I just don't think you - or me - or anyone who isn't qualified, should charge for it.

I think a 1500 rating is about the strength of an average player, you are around the 200,000th best in the world, a 1200 rating puts you at around 250,000, so I'd expect that pattern to continue...

Still, you're certainly right, teaching can be the best way of learning - I just think it would be fairer to other users if you didn't charge.
The chess world needs coaches at every level. There is nothing wrong with wanting to contributing, no matter your rating. I am sure many could learn much from you :).

However, I don't think a forum post is the best way to get started. If I were you I would volunteer my time at a local chess club or coach kids. That's at least how I started.
I am sorry to charge @Cynosure because I felt its a compensation for hours spent :) but ok if you want that I should not charge thats ok but u know I want to get the opportunity to play tournaments out of my town and its very tough for my parents to send me out every month due to their present financial condition.I am from a middle class family so We also have to give importance to our studies and other work too :) This $10 is just a money which would be a budget of my chess tournaments so I can plan and play and become 2000 in the near future. I devote a lot of time to chess and I do want to expose it in big tournaments.

@FMlovlas I didnt know that ths isnt good place because someone else had posted abt his coaching who is unrated! and tells that he is a 2000 here in bullet so he is a good coach :p therefore I thought to post here!

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