
How To Think During A Chess Game

What goes in my mind is the 7Q method , and after adding the knowledge of this blog to that , thinking rocess is gonna be much smoother , thank you :)
Too much white space. Don’t misuse New Line. Open a book and see how it was done the last 500 years
All of that seems kind of obvious to me. I was expecting much more from the title.
I thought for a second the title was "How to Drink During a Chess Game". It would make a good counterpoint article. And it reminds me of a French movie out of Quebec that featured a chess game where the pieces were shooter glasses. Pawns were small shots, and the more powerful pieces were bigger shot glasses. It is a great equalizer, as the better player gets drunk faster, and thus the pieces taken serve as a handicap.
Bon article qui nous rappelle les bases de la réflexion. Je retiens un mot, la discipline.