
Search "user:Lexia"

62 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Keyboard Shortcuts in Training#1

It's a minor thing, but can we please have the left and right arrows on the keyboard play the moves in training after finishing the puzzle. And if possible, be able to do the same with the first move …

Lichess Feedback - Endgame Training#1

Please Lichess, make it happen!. An endgame training from the endgame tablebase. This is exactly how chesstempo does it (I think, or at least, the tablebase plays out the moves till the end). And the …

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Match Score#4

I don't know tbh, I was just thinking how it might work, but I don't have a specific way of how it would work. but it would be a cool feature in my opinion. Many streamers and strong players play matc…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Match Score#2

Or maybe an option to create a match, and specify the number of games, and time controls.

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Match Score#1

I don't know how it would work. Maybe by keeping a separate temporary score of the current games played between two players when they click rematch. This could be useful for the streamers who challeng…

Lichess Feedback - Bug Promoting in Analysis#1

You have to flip the board and promote upwards. I can't promote for black unless I flip the board.

Lichess Feedback - Bugs in Training#4

First two are ok now. I don't know if they were fixed, or maybe it was just my browser acting up. And I'm using chrome Version 52.0.2743.116 m

Lichess Feedback - Bugs in Training#1

There are a few bugs in the training page, I don't know if it's just me. - The top left square (a8 or h1) is always highlighted. - The king icon on the right that indicates whose turn it is is very sm…

Lichess Feedback - Choose Promoting Piece in Tactics#1 In this puzzle, 40. Qxf8+ Kh7 41. Qg8+ Kg6 42. f8=N+ So we promote to a knight, but it does it automatically. I think we should choose which piece to promote to i…

Lichess Feedback - Show pieces in hand for top board of zh arenas#2

How about when hovering over a username too, and indicate which variant is being played.
