
Suggestion: Match Score

I don't know how it would work. Maybe by keeping a separate temporary score of the current games played between two players when they click rematch. This could be useful for the streamers who challenge each other for a match.
Or maybe an option to create a match, and specify the number of games, and time controls.
For #1 maybe being able to temporarily clear the crosstable, like the trip function on a car's odometer

How would #2 work with regards to not finishing a match? Would there be a rating penalty?
I don't know tbh, I was just thinking how it might work, but I don't have a specific way of how it would work. but it would be a cool feature in my opinion. Many streamers and strong players play matches, such as JannLee for example. And having the match score available would be useful.
It would be cool if lichess supported a "challenge queue" such that upon conclusion of one game, the next game would start. Potentially you could allow consecutive challenges from the same opponent.

(I don't know how many streamers would use it, but I know some streamers try to respond to challenges in FIFO order.)

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