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197 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Dear Lichess... I Challenge Myself To An Eaglethon!#2

This is an interesting challenge that you have given yourself. Granted writing can be a form of relaxation if it is creative writing where you make up characters, a story plot line and create dialog f…

General Chess Discussion - Do you feel that you need a laptop to improve or a tablet is good enough (2200 to 2400/2500)?#14

Kasparov help with the introduction of Chessbase. I have an Atari ST and I remember hearing about Chessbase. Here is a link to the article:…

General Chess Discussion - Do you feel that you need a laptop to improve or a tablet is good enough (2200 to 2400/2500)?#8

Either a laptop or a tablet would be fine for your purposes but assuming that they are priced about the same, I would go with a laptop since there is a great variety of software. I use a tablet to pla…

Off-Topic Discussion - i hate horseys#47

Horsey wants a sugar lump or carrot.

Off-Topic Discussion - Parallel universe#12

There is a parallel universe where someone only have one rook and the other rook is replaced by a knight. You have to decide at the beginning of the game which rook is replaced and you can only castle…

General Chess Discussion - Chess Book#4

Yes it is. There is also a companion workbook to test yourself on what you have learned. It is written by the same author. The name of the companion workbook is "The100 Endgames you must know workbook…

General Chess Discussion - What is the lichess account of Magnus Carlsen?#25

Magnus should create yet another account with the name similar to "Ipwnnoobs" or something like that

General Chess Discussion - Is a 1900 player a good chess player or Not#9

1900 rating is very strong club player. You are not quite a professional at this stage but you are a very strong amateur. Granted that being rated 1900 on Lichess is hard to tell as opposed to being 1…

General Chess Discussion - Ipad vs mouse#3

I would not know about playing bullet on an iPad but I do play blitz chess on my iPad and I think it is easier to play that way then with a mouse. I do have to keep careful since the iPad is very sens…

General Chess Discussion - The typical 1800 game#14

Nice endgame technique on this game. Thanks for sharing the game.
