
Casual VS Rated

Hey Lichess peeps,

i wanted to ask you guys when you log to the lichess, how do you decide for yourself whether you want to play a casual game or rated ?

Does you present mood come into play or do you always play rated no matter what?

i find it rather nerve-wrecking to play rated game sall the time because i don't want to see my rating going below 1700.
I almost always play rated. The only times I play casual are when I am learning a new opening that I am not familiar with, or if I know this person will beat me.
its easy, never play casual. Your rating could drop 1700 and it could even drop 1400 if you berserk every game:)
so what, its just an online rating
If you play >1700 you will easily return even from 1000
Your rating is not an arbitrary number. It's representative of your skill. Regardless of how low it goes, or high it goes, it will eventually hone in on its "true" value. So in the end it ironically doesn't really matter what it is on any given day. Doesn't feel that way on a downswing, but it's the truth!
i guess i am a bit attached to my rating...i plan to play 3hr stright rated games soon.As soon as i get the best music on the playlist so i stay motivated and hyped...
That was kinda beautiful @LM OhNoMyPants. Im stealing that one.

Rated games are the way to go. No need to be scared of losing imaginary internett points.
I was exactly like you years ago. You want the highest rating possible like most do. I think the more you play the more you realize that rating is just a number. Just play chess and have fun doing it man! About 15 years ago online your rating would of been about +300 than it is right now. The average chess player has gotten stronger over time. I suggest putting yourself in a position to get beaten up. That's how I got stronger. Good luck man!
if you are sitting in your rating because you're afraid to lose points - that means that, deep down, you think you're overrated, or else you should just be able to get it back. i've been in that spot :D

@ohnomypants is definitely right on this matter
well i sterted playing only rated games and i find it quite lse points yo get points...the struggle the wonder ches is sooo addictive and fun to play for rating points...i am getting used to those ups and downs but in the end it is all to have fun, pass the time and learn new stuff along the way.

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