
Convert me

All religions are wrong. Your personal ethics matter. For religious fanatics, these are commonly pretty bad.
@Cedur216 said in #11:
> All religions are wrong. Your personal ethics matter. For religious fanatics, these are commonly pretty bad.
hey you should not write it off like that i think there is something in god or gods and if you believe in god chances are your moral's are better then a drug addict beer drinker smoker i think that having a god to hold you accountable

"Actively religious people are more likely than their less-religious peers to describe themselves as “very happy” in about half of the countries surveyed" < wiki
im not saying i trust this study but u have to admit that it makes sense.

i think i might benefit from god but i want a solid argument to throw at my family XD they are not religions
i made this post for healthy arguments pls support all views and any religion i need a solid argument from a firm atheist or scientist:D
It does not matter what you believe and what religion you choose to be even with parents and education of another religion or understanding of Theology as is there even a God?
I respect each's believe and culture, I think that is more important. There were religions before our knowledge even.
I believe it were just Aliens we saw as god's.
Religion is a temporal thing. Like the mythology of the Greeks and Romans
yeah why do we smirk at greeks and romans and consign their gods to the realm of fantasy, when they believed as firmly in their gods as we do in ours ... why should we be any better, from a rational point of view ...
The last revelation... all 3 same god, Annuninaki. Most observations of UFO activity were just after the 1st test of the A-Bomb. Now again along with A.I. And don't tell me they don't exist as there was even a congressional or was it senate?hearing about it and the release of the CIA's knowledge etc...
Mary was a virgin right? (it suffice some DNA injected in the veins)
All other before refer to the star people... 4 me it is most plausible and acceptable answer.
That black rock in the centre of that black tent, the last prophet's grave is a meteorite. It was white at 1st and to wash the sins of people away by touching it as get on your knees and ask forgiveness and all sins are gone> Sound comfortably numb.
"I am Time, the destroyer of the worlds, grown mighty to encompass the universe. Even without your participation, all the warriors arrayed in the opposing armies shall be destroyed.
कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो
लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्तः।
ऋते त्वां न भविष्यन्ति सर्वे
येऽवस्थिताः प्रत्यनीकेषु योधाः॥
The Bhagavad Gita dramatises a meditative exchange between Arjuna and Lord Krishna, who appears as his charioteer during the momentous battle between two clans, the Pandavas and the Kauravas.

The battlefield is located in Kurukshetra, a town close to New Delhi. Each clan stakes its claim to be the mightiest ruling dynasty of erstwhile Bharat (present day India).
There is still radiation activity while no tests there or nukes ever used there by human.
Don't belive in divine entities embrace nihilism or cientific explanation of life

It's a joke(the nihilism part)

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