
Casual terms of address for women?

While speaking to my peers that are men, I often use casual terms of address such as 'man', 'brother', 'bruv' and the like, but what about when addressing women? I have observed that women (in my locality) that are close friends with each other mostly call each other 'bro' but it sounds kinda odd so I want to know about terms of address that are specific to women.
I call almost everybody "darling". It's because I can't remember their names.
Since I'm a girl, I usually call my girlfriends by their names or just saying ‘girl’ or ‘girls’ , but in your case it might seem strange, so it's best to call them by their names. @ForumPoster4242
"Casual terms off address for Women. "

"Zero addressing", this serves me very well this day in age. :).
Try 'wench' or 'mad witch' they work perfectly well in my house when addressing my gf lol xxx
You should try using formal terms of address in casual contexts.

For example, "Ms., this shizz is rizz!"
@verylate said in #3:
> I call almost everybody "darling". It's because I can't remember their names.

"When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don't really care about them"

-Ron Swanson
@ew-pawn said in #4:
> Since I'm a girl, I usually call my girlfriends by their names or just saying ‘girl’ or girls
You mean your friends who are girls?

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