
Completely Disable Tournament Chat

State/Status: Waiting for game.
You can enable or disable chat with a check-box.

State/Status: Game starts
Whether or not chat is enabled or disabled from the lobby view, the chat becomes available. There are two tabs: "Chat" (which has the general lobby chat), and "Standings."

If I disable the chat box in the lobby...
Why do I see the main lobby chat when the game loads?

At this point, I simply switch to the "Standings" tab so that I don't see things happening in the main lobby chat. But, even the "Standings" tab jumps around when top players finish their games.

I've always wondered why this hasn't been fixed for tournaments. Unless I'm missing something. I don't get an empty game chat, nor a check mark to turn-off chat when a tournament game loads.

IMO: Doesn't make much sense. That tournament chat is mixed with game chat, and that disabling chat in the tournament lobby doesn't flow-through or follow-through to individual games.

Unless I've missed something (altogether too obvious to ignore). If I missed something, let me know.

The funny part of this is: I received a warning in the main lobby, but, despite leaving the chat active during a game, I did not see that warning (timeout) displayed in-game, until returning to the lobby. The way all of this is handled and managed is kind-of funky and doesn't make much sense.
This behavior is still happening.

I noticed it during the 2018 Summer Blitz Marathon a few days ago.

Why does the (individual) game chat display the primary tournament chat (lobby) when a game starts?

Why can't this be in-game chat only?

Why can't we have a check-box to disable chat during games?

Why do we have to switch to the standings tab to eliminate this irritating distraction (especially in larger tournaments)?

When will this issue be addressed or fixed?

(There was mention a while back about completely removing chat from tournaments -- while some may disagree, I'm very happy to support/endorse removal of chat from tournaments if it's easier than fixing functionally code-implied issues.)
I'd say it should be disabled but only while in game.

When in the lobby waiting for a game chat enabled.

I too switch to standings tab; as it is very distracting otherwise.
Thanks @DollaHollaAtcha for chiming in (appreciated).

For reference:

>> "Would It be possible to include the tournament chat room feature on the app?"

<< [Thibault] "I'm closer to removing the one on the site than to adding one on the app."

I argue for removing the primary website tournament chat if segmenting the individual games from the primary tournament chat is somehow difficult or locked-into the way things are done.

Bottom line: Distracting individuals who are playing in a tournament, with general chat, and no ability to disable it (or, have to switch to a tab which can still be distracting as it changes, not relative to the game at hand) is just bad UI/UX design, and should be removed until it can be fixed.

Sorry, not to be an arsehole about this, but, seems pretty basic to me.

Why is the main tournament chat mixed with individual in-game chat? Why can't it be segmented quickly and easily? Why shouldn't there be an enable/disable check-box for individual tournament games? Why are there two tabs instead of this basic feature, first? (How does having a "standings" tab help improve concentration or performance in a single game? -- Doesn't make a lot of sense.)

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