
Best openings to hit 2000-2200?

I am looking for the best openings to hit 2000-2200+. Currently I play the Queens Gambit, Scotch, and Italian for white and the Sicilian, pirc, and the Scandinavian for black.
I want to only have 1-3 openings for white and 1-2 for black, any tips?
You should consider the Catalan. It was Carlsen's go-to for quite a while, a very good opening for white.
As white, I would suggest the London System (1. d4 d4 2. Bf4) and the Trompowsky Attack with (1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5). Both openings are theoretical enough to the point that unprepared opponents can swiftly find themselves in trouble, but also not as concrete as other openings (i.e., the Catalan or the Queen's Gambit complex) so you can "play jazz" if you feel like taking the game in a different direction. Both openings are versatile enough to offer opportunities for aggressive as well as positional play.

For black, I would recommend the Caro-Kann (1. e4 c6) and the Modern Benoni (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5). The general view I take is that, as black, it is advisable to play openings that make white uncomfortable. With 1. e4 white is looking for an aggressive game, so 1 ... c6 slows things down a bit. Conversely, with 1. d4 white is typically playing for a positional game, and the Benoni makes things sharp and double edged very quickly.
In my opinion I think you should choose openings that fit who you are. If you like to take chances play gambits or more attacking openings. For example I like to play hyper modern theory such as the Catalan, Alekhine, bird and modern/ Pirc.

I also like to attack so I also play the Kings Gambit, and the Benko Gambit, and the Sicilian.

If you wish to cut down on theory playing the Kings Indian as white and black is a possibility.

Reaching 2000 isn’t about just openings. Your tactics and endgames are almost more important than memorizing one pet line by pet line.
@Goldenstaedt said in #4:
> For black, I would recommend the Caro-Kann (1. e4 c6) and the Modern Benoni (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5). The general view I take is that, as black, it is advisable to play openings that make white uncomfortable.

Caro-Kann is quite comfortable for white. An e4-player could very well enjoy complicated openings, but they are hardly comfortable because of that. When I played e4 I never remember feeling uncomfortable with Caro-Kann.

It is difficult so white to "get anything going" against the Caro Kann. Other than a slow squeeze in the Short Variation, which itself provides a largely theoretical edge, White has no way to blow black off the board if black takes the time to study the main lines.

My experience is that white players often try to drum something up with the exchange variation or an early c4, but only end up steering the game into a comfortable, equal game for black.
I don't doubt that Caro Kann is a good choice of an opening for black, but the comfort argument does not hold here.
Just spam the london and dont hang pieces and you will get 2000 for free

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