
Using the PGN Editor feature of LiChess Tools

I did not realize the size aspect, that it was bringing in. I will remember that.
Thank you for the walkthrough.
Hello @TotalNoob69 I really like the idea and I am sure I will use it. Thanks a lot for this.

An amazing add- on to this feature would be the possibility to extract every single move of all the games in a PGN file or Lichess database into a Text file containing the FEN strings for each of those positions! Do you think this would be something you could add?
There are PGN to FEN tools. You realize it would be making large text files. But if there was a way to re-upload into single FEN chapters in one fell swoop... One could really chop games into positions to study without the move distraction stories.. for hands on study/play/whatever.

But that might not be PGN editor jurisdiction that reuploar chapter per position reupload.

A more general idea might be game segmentation/fragmentation with explicit FEN at the root. That could be less expansive in many cases, where one would, maybe, out of the blue, want to invert the typical chess presentations flow direction from position to narration to narration to fragment flow. (which would also make the ensemble view of narrative ideas possibly show its own possible slighty self contained logic, or hypotheses of logic from the student point of view (typically, the intended target audience, I would assume).

I am sorry if above is too entangled. This is my first "from scratch" thinking about this. (not just previous post).
@Stadtfuchs1111 It's certainly possible, but it's a very niche request. What would you use it for? You can contact me directly to talk about it. If not in LiChess Tools, I can tell you how to do it or make a simple tool for it.