
Satranc Club 2000

424 members

Satranç Club 2000 e. V.

Satranc Club Logo

Hallo an alle, die uns online gefunden haben, oder sogar an den Online-Teamkämpfen mitmachen:

Wir suchen für unseren Real-Life-Schachverein in Köln (Satranc Club 2000) zusätzliche Personen für unsere Mannschaftskämpfe an einigen Sonntagen im Jahr.
Jeder der möchte kann mitmachen.
Da es vor allem um die sichere Teilnahme an Mannschaftskämpfen geht, sollte man nicht zu weit weg wohnen, um aktives Mitglied zu sein (Passiv geht trotzdem). An den Bahnfahrtzeiten orientiert, nicht weiter weg als Koblenz im Süden , Wesel im Norden und Wuppertal im Osten.

Wer die am-Brett-Regeln nicht kann (insbesondere Notation), kriegt diese beigebracht.
Wer auch mal am Brett gespielt hat, oder dies mal erleben will kann sich bei uns melden. Mailadresse

Hello to everyone who found us online, or even took part in the online team battles:

We are looking for additional people to our Over-The-Board real-life chess club in Cologne (Satranc Club 2000) for our team fights on several Sundays in the week.
Anyone who would like to, can take part.
Since it's important to be a reliable member in team matches, you shouldn't live too far away to be an active member (passive is still possible). Based on train travel times, no further away than Koblenz in the south and Wesel in the north, Wuppertal in the east.

Anyone who doesn't know the rules on the board (especially notation) will be taught them.
Anyone who has ever played on the board or would like to experience it can contact us.

Bizi buradai bulan ve hatta online takım müsabakalarında destekleyen herkese merhaba:

Pazar günkü takım müsabakalarımız için Köln'deki masüstü oynayan satranç kulübümüze (Satranc Club 2000) ek kişiler arıyoruz.
İsteyen herkes katılabilir.

Birçok şey takım müsabakalarına güvenli katılımdan ibaret olduğundan, aktif bir üye olmak için yakınlarda olmanızda fayda vardır. (pasif olmak buna ragmen mümkündür). Tren seyahat sürelerine göre güneyde Koblenz, kuzeyde Wesel ve doğuda Wuppertal'dan daha uzakta değil.

Tahtadaki kuralları (özellikle notasyonu) bilmeyen herkese bunlar öğretilecektir.
Masaüstü oynamış veya deneyimlemek isteyen herkes bizimle irtibata gecebilir:


89th Rapid League 5B Team Battle7+5 • Rapid • Rated • 2hBattle of 10 teams
Lichess Liga 9C Team Battle5+0 • Blitz • Rated • 1h 40mBattle of 10 teams
Lichess Liga 10B Team Battle3+2 • Blitz • Rated • 1h 40mBattle of 10 teams
88th Rapid League 5A Team Battle10+0 • Rapid • Rated • 2hBattle of 10 teams
Lichess Liga 9B Team Battle3+0 • Blitz • Rated • 1h 40mBattle of 10 teams