
Search "user:soulfire"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Points not being awarded#3

Hi Luciano, I don't understand. How have I artificially increased or decreased my ratings? I only play normal, I don't cheat, I don't do anything like that, so I don't understand your comment.

Lichess Feedback - Blocking "computer assistance" users#1

It seems like any opponents I do get use "computer assistance". How can I block these users?

Lichess Feedback - Quick Pairing not working (or super long lag)#1

Quick Pairing used to match me up with a game in much less than a minute. Now it's just hanging, forever basically... has something changed recently?

Lichess Feedback - Points not being awarded#1

My last few games have been RATED, but no point adjustments have been made. Any idea what's going on?
