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7 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 3: How Do We Make Decisions#18

Great articles, I would coelesce this approach with the rule of chess themselves. We talk about vision, tactics, strategy, etc. but they all emerge from these, hence the blurred distinction and confus…

Game analysis - how to stay tactically focused along the game?#7

I just like the mindset that sentence puts you in. There has been a lot of research about ego depletion, kind of the idea that we lose focus over time. This has been considered a generally accepted co…

Game analysis - how to stay tactically focused along the game?#5

@MrPushwood said in #3: > "Staying focused" isn't so important; it's perceiving the threats that matters. There is so much depth in this comment. That makes sense, I should focus on the game when play…

Game analysis - how to stay tactically focused along the game?#1

Hi, I'm fine with my positional moves most of the time but usually get confused at some points and play really bad tactical moves. Especially (13.) Qa4 and (15.) Qa4, where I (11.) Bb5 exchange my lig…

Game analysis - pirc defense 1200 blitz, how to analyze my blunders/mistakes on that game#9

Thanks everyone for your feedback, that's what I love about these positions, so much stuff to learn. I took time to analyse things again, based on your answers. Good catch for 13., everyone seems to b…

Game analysis - pirc defense 1200 blitz, how to analyze my blunders/mistakes on that game#3

Hi! ohh, got it for move 13. Regarding 16. f5??, you meant I fork the pawn and the B, he defends by taking the pawn and I thus leave my annoying outpost by taking back with the knight? Thanks for the …

Game analysis - pirc defense 1200 blitz, how to analyze my blunders/mistakes on that game#1

Hi, Looking for some insight on how to go about analysing that game especially mistake at 13. Nc6?? then blunder at 16. f5?? -- (my take on these, although I have no…
