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7 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - Cheater#3

OK, thank you very much!

FM jimmy0613
General Chess Discussion - Cheater#1

I played against a player who used computer assistance. Despite the fact that I won, I did not get any rating points. Does anyone know why? (The game is in my profile)

FM jimmy0613
General Chess Discussion - Blackmar-Diemer Gambit#4

Maybe they do not know how to play against the French or the Caro-Can (d4-d5-e4-e6 or c6). Also, it is a very risky gambit, as you give a pawn for piece development. Finally, I think black is not obli…

FM jimmy0613
Game analysis - Black Repertoire for Ruy Lopez d3 variation#4

you can play 9...Na5 and if white plays Bc2 you can play c5 and try to play in the gueenside

FM jimmy0613
General Chess Discussion - How do I defend against these kind of players#8

You should also had played 2..e6 to make bad the c4 bishop

FM jimmy0613
General Chess Discussion - How do I defend against these kind of players#5

maybe 9...d5

FM jimmy0613