
Search "user:Tony960"

43 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - When there 2 knights over your side....#3

Impressive, but what about Rxc5 at 21st lol

Game analysis - My best MIRACLE game in chess!!!#4

Nice, but I think dirty flags are normal in bullet, I think you'll get used of this. There is another example:

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Marathon Timings, should be in a cycle.#2

I also had this thought, and I think it's a good suggestion.

General Chess Discussion - Les blancs annulent mais se font quand même baiser ! Chess composition, only french can understand#3

Well, as a french player, I think you'll be banned in less than one hour.

General Chess Discussion - How to set up Lichess for Bullet games#6

Hello ! You don't need to have particular settings. You will gain speed with your experience: during the first games, you may be slow, but with the time you'll get faster with the mouse. I don't know …

Game analysis - I can't believe my opponent had a save here!#4

Yes, but actually your queen isn't "trapped", because at the end variant she can go back to d8, that's why it's leaving to an equal position and not a white-winning position. But, it's an amazing tact…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Nice to Have#8

@glbert said in #7: > op is not asking for, op is asking that shows whether they played the correct move right away, and show right away w…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Nice to Have#4

I'm not sure to understand your question in the good way, but you can use this link to see the puzzles coming from your games:

General Chess Discussion - bad at chess#10

Does your username mean something, or it is just a random sequence of numbers and letters

Lichess Feedback - why account of me was an report breaking the law?#2

Oh, a french website article :) Anyway, congrats for being 1700 at only 10, keep going !
