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9 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I decided to start a live stream.#1

Hello. I'm 25 years old and I'm from Sweden. I've decided to start a live stream, since my baby was born last June, I have gotten more time home, so i decided to try to take my chess knowledge to the …

General Chess Discussion - Is it Possible to Lose Via Checkmate While Playing Perfect (0-0-0) against Someone Who Isnt?#2

Well, if the computer is strong who is checking for these kind of stuff, it should be a draw / win right? If you play perfect and lose, i think the game would be destroyed? Because if you lose when pl…

Lichess Feedback - Change Username for a fee?#1

Hello. I think it would be great to be able to change username, perhaps for a fee? I understand it could be messy, but i though that you could have "old names" of people if you go in to their profile,…

Lichess Feedback - Instant Messaging#3

Would be great to have a little chatbox down where you see how many friends is online, great idea!

Lichess Feedback - Hide oppotents Rating#1

Hello. I would like to have the option to hide my opponents Rating. Thanks! :) And keep up the great work you do with this site, Its AMAZING! :)

General Chess Discussion - Amature Streaming Chess! ;)#6

It vary a lot, due to work, and other stuff going on. I will probably stream this morning, in an hour or so. I really need to wake up first ;) Thanks for showing interest!

General Chess Discussion - Amature Streaming Chess! ;)#3

I will look forward to have you :)

General Chess Discussion - Amature Streaming Chess! ;)#1

Hello. I have been playing Chess for 15 years, now and then.. I was more into it when i was a bit younger. However now i have a bit more free time so i will try to stream as often as i can. I am curre…

Game analysis - A game against Larsen openning #4

Beuitiful game there sir! :)
