
Search "user:JeremyDunn"

9 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What is the most effective study plan for openings?#8

@drSabrotna I really like this man, thanks for the word

General Chess Discussion - What is the most effective study plan for openings?#6

@Monnt Thanks for the input, as far as openings go, I think I have a great grasp at the concepts these openings provide- but I'm lacking depth in middlegame transposition, specifically where certain v…

General Chess Discussion - What is the most effective study plan for openings?#1

Hey y'all, here's a bit of context for you: For the past 4-5 years of my chess career, I've been casually playing systems, but rarely have I delved into serious opening theory. I'm around 1800 on ches…

General Chess Discussion - How do I stop assuming my opponent is cheating?#11

@Youcandothis ; Bubby, consider the climb to 2500, the fact that they can stop cheating after any point of the game, or even rating adjusting cheating devices. If there is a way to cheat keenly, then …

General Chess Discussion - How do I stop assuming my opponent is cheating?#9

@spidersneedlovetoo I will genuinely look into it. I'm currently not in the place to make major life defining changes; mentally wise, but something needs to change overall. Work is getting in the way …

General Chess Discussion - How do I stop assuming my opponent is cheating?#8

@ContrabassFlute I play a solid 70%~ game, higher is winning, same or lower if losing. My most recent game showed 78% for me, and 85% for my opponent in a 40 move game. (Which I'd consider standard) O…

General Chess Discussion - How do I stop assuming my opponent is cheating?#6

@Youcandothis In all fairness, since we are of the same rating; even on lichess the standard is low for starting players to begin cheating at high ratings. On lichess you can join in at 1500, and ches…

General Chess Discussion - How do I stop assuming my opponent is cheating?#5

@VladimirFreddie I play on chesscom for rating, and on lichess for improvement. I took a break from chesscom and gained a solid 100 points after 2 months of exclusively learning on lichess. It's time …

General Chess Discussion - How do I stop assuming my opponent is cheating?#1

As of recently, I've gotten into a toxic mindset that once my opponent gets into a winning position- then I automatically assume that they are cheating. To justify this incorrect mindset; out of my re…
