
Search "user:TrainingOTB"

258 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Cheating has increased since the Hans vs Magnus match.#31

1. Cheating has always been a problem on every chess website. 2. Cheating will remain a problem on every chess website. Regardless of how and what some websites advertise... part of marketing really. …

Community Blog Discussions - How To Be A Man In Chess#19

"You turn up at your local book club, poker club, sports club and you are the only man amongst hundreds of women. Really imagine that for a minute. You might not go back, even if everyone was pretty r…

General Chess Discussion - How Do You Get Titled?#33 You can use this calculator to sort of have an idea. To be FM you have to reach 2300 elo in OTB classical portion. I didn't find if 30 games is a must, …

General Chess Discussion - India is the new boss in chess#23

Dear @SOJB , only you are in charge of your reaction to the words you hear or read, no one else, definitely not the one spitting those words out. So if you got offended, then it is your decision. Thin…

General Chess Discussion - Chess masters that DESERVE the GM title#14

@Hitsugaya probably around 1$, because if it's bought it's totally useless, and if it's earned, then it's priceless (or value equals to whatever value holder gives it).

General Chess Discussion - Please say me some best black openings for intermediates!!#10

Pirc Defence Sicilian defence French defence But... based on the ratings I see here in this discussion, just go with any opening, until you find the one you feel comfortable with, that's how I did, di…

General Chess Discussion - Looking for Live Chess Coaching/Lessons#7

My ratings can be achieved without coach, that's what I did. Some puzzles, some free lessons on youtube (Saint Louis Chess Club channel), some streamer watching, and just playing bunch of games for fu…

General Chess Discussion - Is it okay to have fun with the opponent when secured the win#16

Well, online or OTB anyone can resign anytime if in absolutely lost position, so... You can stop all that "rude" behavior from your opponent by simply resigning the game, which you have lost, unless..…

General Chess Discussion - Prophylaxis in women's chess#12

Chess is move by move game, so tempos after all... unless your opponent is in zugzwang there is often no "time" for some useless moves. Prophylaxis is done for just in case you miss something, but hey…

General Chess Discussion - I've recently won $100, what's my best use of that money in chess?#29

@persoest just open St louis channel or simply in youtube search type "Lectures Akobian", first result most likely for everyone will be the whole playlist of his lectures, for me it showed 149!!! vide…
