
Search "user:Dukedog"

7384 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - they dont want me to live my live and play good chess#5

Of course this has little to do with chess imo. Moreso with behavior modifying drugs which are frequently over prescribed .Perhaps you might step back and consider your behavior and why they think you…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think about the credibility of media reporting?#3

I mean mainstream media in the US,abc,cbs,nbc All pretty much controlled I do watch bbc,nnk and DW occasionally to get a different perspective. Thank you for the links btw I intend to check them out( …

Off-Topic Discussion - Looking forward to the Biden/ Trump debate#7

Both. Old men with too much baggage And really the description applies to both Just my opinion but I think neither is competent To be President Yet this is the choice I'm presented with Man,I always d…

Off-Topic Discussion - What do you think about the credibility of media reporting?#1

I've kinda lost my faith in the media. Nothing is unbiased and everything seems have a spin on it. There's no such thing as honest reporting anymore imo. It just seems so manipulative and it seems the…

Off-Topic Discussion - Looking forward to the Biden/ Trump debate#3

Nah bro,it's gonna be epic Stupidity vs ineptitude You don't see that everyday Who's gonna be the moderator? I'm sure it will be someone completely impartial.

Off-Topic Discussion - Looking forward to the Biden/ Trump debate#1

Should be interesting.

Off-Topic Discussion - National spelling bee#15

Yes,myself also. Etymology has always interested me. Oxford English dictionary was always good with the word citations. Actually tried to teach myself Latin when I was a kid though that didn't go far.…

Off-Topic Discussion - National spelling bee#1

Watched a few minutes But I found it too boaring.

Off-Topic Discussion - Future prediction#4

The shits gonna hit the fan Anybody wanna buy a fan?

Off-Topic Discussion - Wind chimes , like or hate?#6

I hate them too. So repetitive though I've heard one I liked It was the notes of Amazing Grace. I've always thought I'd like to create one tuned to a pentatonic minor Or a blues scale. Might be cool S…
