
The real point in life

@dstne said in #10:
> I don't think we will ever be masters. We still don't even know what "life" is. Life seems to only come from other life, with no exceptions that we know of. We won't give up though, humans are the masters of stubborness. I personally believe it is impossible to create life without other life, just as it is impossible to create information without other information.

Life is that which is living. Is life provable? I'd like to think so based on the logic of, "I think: therefore I am"

Am I wrong?
@Approximation said in #11:
> Life is that which is living. Is life provable? I'd like to think so based on the logic of, "I think: therefore I am"
> Am I wrong?

I guess what I was trying to say is, Scientists don't know why certain things have autonomy, while other things don't. The mechanisms of cells are understood, but why they would "agree" to serve those functions for autonomous purposes is not. Although the reasons why living organisms work can be found, the reasons behind the ability of organisms to do anything can't. Sorry if this is confusing, I'm trying my best to explain what I meant by "life".
"Life's not worth living, and that's the truth,"
Carelessly caroled the golden youth.
In manhood still he maintained that view
And held it more strongly the older he grew.
When kicked by a jackass at eighty-three,
"Go fetch me a surgeon at once!" cried he.
—Han Soper
@LordSupremeChess said in #1:
> The point of life is to disagree with others about what the point of life is.
> Prove me wrong. I dare you.

Im sorry, but I'm not sure I agree. :).
You know we come out of darkness
We return to darkness
And for a little while
We are allowed to play in the light

Heck I don't know
But what I think
Is to live and love and learn
@LordSupremeChess said in #15:
> By not agreeing you agree.

A fallacious argument. By disagreeing, you only provide evidence that people like to argue about stuff.

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