
Which Book would you recommend?

Here are some:
Van Perlo's Endgame Tactics
Dvorestky's Endgame Manual
Winning Chess Endings by Yasser Seirawan
Understanding Chess Endgames by John Nunn
Tbh the best endgame book is and will always be the "Fundamental Chess Endings" by Lamprecht and Muller. However this book is so technical and they fail miserably at explaining the strategic aspects of most of their themes. So the book from a technical point of view is fantastic (and just fat and complete), but the wording and explanations are for very strong players or people who can understand things by themselves by just seeing it etc.
I love using this book for coaching, but have redone so many of the examples into a "principles" approach. Instead of just brute calculation and some innate understanding, I try and break it down to its essence of strategic and principled values. It works well but I am good enough to take what they have made and make it easier for the general to understand. Sigh, so much work to do... so many youtube videos lol. We see if we get there eventually ahhahahaha.
@pointlesswindows said in #7:

> Technical endgame books like "100 endgames you must know", "Silmans complete endgame course " are simply better.

Aren't they complementary? I mean sure, you need to know how / when you can win KRP vs KR, but getting to a winning KRP vs KR endgame from some KRBPPPPP vs KRNPPPPP position seems like a separate and nontrivial skillset that's also useful...
>Thus far I found 3 books, which fit that category:
- Endgame Strategy by Shereshevsky
- Secrets of Chess Endgame Strategy by Lars Bo
- Mastering Endgame Strategy by Hellsten

I have and read first and third ones , Both are good . (Mastering opening and Mastering Chess by Hellsten are also gold) . There are very few books on practical endgames or queenless middlegames available but i would recommend opening a database . Putting your criteria on search Position (Say 2 rooks , knight and 6 pawns each) and see the techniques of winning side. They won't be much different than those you employ in middlegames .
I prefer The Beano. Visitors will never assume I’m clever and I can actually follow what’s going on in the Beano. :-)
No one's talking about Jermey Silman's complete endgame course!?

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