
a way to win against hight rated opponements: playing unpopular openings

it's strange that i stopped playing the sicilian and the ruy lopez with black (i play the modern now) and that i almost usually play c4 with white although i'm a d4 and e4 player and this worked very well for me. the reason is that many good players have their systems against usual openings but they ignore or don't expect other openings. so i share this secret for you ( not a secret any more :p) play with an original and unpopular way :p
imust agree with you but you must have a very fast internet connection and play 30 sec games.
Of course i also have an extensive repertoire against 1.c4 and against the modern. These are both good openings (ok, i consider Modern to be a b-opening).

Also, 1.c4 currently seems to give white a more pleasant game, with more options, than the Berlin Endgame. Thats why it is also played more often in Top GM chess.

In other words, 1.c4 is not just good because its theory is less known, it also currently seems to be the move giving white better chances than 1.e4.

Finally 1.c4 can often transpose to 1.d4 lines, while white has some extra options against Semi-Slav setups which, as i heard, also give white nothing.

I also predict that other openings except 1.e4, 1.d4, 1.c4, 1.Nf3 will be played more often in Top GM chess in the future.
thank you @SelfmateMan but if the modern is a b-opening what are a-openings? openings recommended by the engines?
Rare openings are rare for a reason. They are usually not as good as normal openings.
Ok, black can transpose from Modern to Kings Indian setups which i consider to be an A-Opening (I play it myself). @nourhene Engines disagree with that but i disagree with the engines :-)
engines consider the king's indian just like the modern .so i can understand that you like to take initiative that's why you like the KID
not like the modern where white attacks but black is fine positionally ;) @SelfmateMan

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