
Does Kb should be illegal?

@Sarg0n nice idea allowing only one but not enforcable. All input devices are at players end there is no way to control it. Like banning KB extension would just mean that players using it woudl load the source code as Tamper Monkey userscript. Also you do it outside browser. It possible to send keys as mouse events though if it happend outside browser means that you cannot select piece to move in same way. So banning Tamper Monkey and KB extension would not remove HW/SW assisted speed help. Just woudl change it a bit
I'm just saying that in my opinion, I liked it the most when there weren't kb players as all was more tied and more enjoyable. I respect you all othersopinions but I am with @Penguingin1.
@TapL as i said, i will not download something that makes me cheating, its like using an engine. So dont recommend me that
i will assume some of you have seen my profile, it says i play with a touchpad which i did, but i dont now, i play with a mobile device, so even thinking about downloading the extention its senseless. Mobile is a fair device cuz is provided by lichess too, not from third party people
I think that keyboard is fair there is a bunch of keyboard players except just some of them are good so I don’t think keyboard should be banned.
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Honestly KB using is just like the people who use the lag cheats. Both are technically not cheating but just is trying to slide around the rules.

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