
able to completely change usernames

Completely changing a username will create mass confusion in the forums, as well as require Lichess to constantly update its list of names, rather than just adding names of new accounts. Furthermore, profile page URLs would have to be updated with each name change in a timely manner.
@InkyDarkBird said in #11:
> Completely changing a username will create mass confusion in the forums, as well as require Lichess to constantly update its list of names, rather than just adding names of new accounts. Furthermore, profile page URLs would have to be updated with each name change in a timely manner.

you forget every game you ever played
every study/broadcast/simual you ever played
every team and all their forums tournaments and chats in the tournaments
and prop more things i am forgetting
@for_cryingout_loud said in #12:
> you forget every game you ever played
> every study/broadcast/simual you ever played
> every team and all their forums tournaments and chats in the tournaments
> and prop more things i am forgetting

Yeah, you and #11 pretty much nailed it. Don't forget PGNs everyone downloaded, then uploaded into other blogs, websites, databases, etc. would need to be changed too.

But also, relational databases like PostgreSQL are a headache according to Bryan Cantrill.
@joeydanoob Maybe my answer is not what admins want to see here, but why not just create a new account?
If you recognize your username is "noob", once in your lichess life it is kind of acceptable. Just some famous example from lichess history:
TwelveTeen -> Jasugi99
opperwezen -> wateenellende
@gbtami said in #15:
> @joeydanoob Maybe my answer is not what admins want to see here, but why not just create a new account?
> If you recognize your username is "noob", once in your lichess life it is kind of acceptable. Just some famous example from lichess history:
> TwelveTeen -> Jasugi99
> opperwezen -> wateenellende

i appreciate your input, but i have a team to keep up and do not feel like having to reset completely. thank you again.

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