
The Najdorf Sicilian

@SuperiorWood said in #10:
> Please explain what you mean by convert.

Convert: to take an endgame position from the point of being an achievable win through to mate and ultimate addition of rating points for such.
@heallan said in #11:
> Convert: to take an endgame position from the point of being an achievable win through to mate and ultimate addition of rating points for such.
After move 17 your best evaluation score was -5.3. You were white. That means black was winning. You were never winning in the endgame, thus by your own definition of convert, your question is nonsensical.
@SuperiorWood said in #12:
> After move 17 your best evaluation score was -5.3. You were white. That means black was winning. You were never winning in the endgame, thus by your own definition of convert, your question is nonsensical.

I know I was never "winning" the endgame; but, as stated in the initial post dialogue - a patient, technical and steady-nerved individual was sought for in order to determine whether this could be converted: not whether it actually was, or was or wasn't a probabilistically significantly likely event to occur.
@heallan said in #13:
> ... I know I was never "winning" the endgame; but, as stated in the
> initial post dialogue - a patient, technical and steady-nerved individual
> was sought for in order to determine whether this could be converted: ...
As near as I can tell, from 18 Rxd6 on, your opponent had the advantage and a conversion to a win for you was only possible if your opponent made a mistake. Patience, technical skill, and steady nerves could not compel your opponent to make such a mistake. A mistake did allow you to escape with a draw.
@kindaspongey said in #16:
> As near as I can tell, from 18 Rxd6 on, your opponent had the advantage and a conversion to a win for you was only possible if your opponent made a mistake. Patience, technical skill, and steady nerves could not compel your opponent to make such a mistake. A mistake did allow you to escape with a draw.


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