
New players but good?

So many times I pair against a much lower rated player and I'm like, this should be an easy win. But now I'm destroyed and when I check the account the player has 13 games played or something or has been playing for 10 minutes. And I lose lot of ratings. Why is it like that? So annoying :(
"I'm very interested in chess. But I hate to lose." And that's why you take it so hard.
actually it makes perfect sense, there are many players that either take breaks from lichess to play OTB or just join lichess and experience a short burst of points(wanted to say ELO then remembered this is lichess), if you will look at their accounts a month later you might find they have stabilised at around 2000 points(Seriously points sounds wrong am I supposed to say Glicko)
"my lichess rating is 2000 glicko!" (no it sounds wrong too, HELP)
It can be so many different things (honest new players, cheaters, sandbags, players returning after a break) that this is also the risk of random games. you don't know who you're playing against. However, in the event of suspicious behavior, use Lichess report, it will help a lot of people! greeting
@SteinarArason said in #1:
> So many times I pair against a much lower rated player and I'm like, this should be an easy win. But now I'm destroyed and when I check the account the player has 13 games played or something or has been playing for 10 minutes. And I lose lot of ratings. Why is it like that? So annoying :(

Sometimes I wonder how much self-reflection ppl use, before posting on a topic...

Isn't the following game the opposite case, you complain about (you being the one "stealing" 139 points from a 450 points higher rated opponent)?

Or keeping the topic of "deserved" outcome of a game by rating points:
Should your points won against a 700 points higher rated opponent (that left the game in a drawn position on move 15 for whatever reason) be substracted from your account because you don't deserve them?

Big disappointments come from high expectations. Expect to lose every game, so you will never be disappointed :]

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