
losing motivation

I am starting to lose motivation for chess as i have stopped improving in the past few months. Is there anything i can do to get through this? Thanks for your help-
MY parents go out of their way to be like this and make things as hard as possible. I have been informed of this
Take a break and come back to it later. Maybe study a new opening
What do you do in order to improve now?

Very long plateaus are normal, and could last months or even years.

I can understand and relate.

One cannot expect rapid improvement all the time.If improvement came easy , then everybody could become Grandmasters. The pace of improvement and development varies from person to person and the time they spend on that skill they are trying to develop.So don't be discouraged.

How much time are you spending on chess ? What are your goals and aspirations in chess ? Also, why do you play chess ? Is it for fun and leisure activity ? Or are you a serious chess player who wants to reach , let's say 2200 ? Do you
have a chess coach ? What does your chess study consist of ?

I lost my motivation a few months back cause of IRL work , prior to that I had a lot of time for chess and improved quite rapidly.But now I really can't spend too much time working on chess and hence I haven't really improved much.I want to , but I can't.

Adding to that, I reached my goals of getting to 2200 in bullet and 2100 in blitz and rapid which I had set in my mind a year back when I started playing chess.Hence I've lost the drive for improvement too.

So yeah, I'm kinda in the same predicament.

You could take a break for some time , maybe a week or two.During that time you can just do a few puzzles , study some endgames and go through some interesting games.Don't play , just relax.

Or , find out where you're going wrong (your weaknesses) and try to improve on them rather than trying to go all in.If you're weaker at endgames then study it a bit more that you work on middlegames and vice versa.

My parents never cared much about my chess too , it was just me grinding on videos , PDFs and games for hours during the lock-down.

Remember you're not alone in this. It'd be help if you could answer those questions , that way we'd be able to give more concrete advice.
Its not that they dont care about my chess, they dont care about anything for me at all

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