
What do you think WW4 will be about?

Who's got the best rubble, some places have already started, like,
"Hey you see all this rubble to the horizon",
"Yeah" ,
"That's all mine that is."
"Wow, that was worth it". :).
The environment , like rain forests and seas,and who's polluting, and who's doing the most damage and stopping them xxx
@SimonBirch said in #16:
> The environment , like rain forests and seas,and who's polluting, and who's doing the most damage and stopping them xxx
bro thinks there will be rainforests left when ww4 happens
After a World War 3, the destruction would be so great that nobody would want war for over 100 years, it would be in history books. I believe that after the destruction of a lot of countries, probably a global government would emerge, to avoid national conflicts, and the world war 4 would be a rebellion against that government, that would eventually become corrupt and hurt people's lives.

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