
I was suspected of cheating OTB

In a recent OTB tournament, I was approached by a TD after the game, and he asked me to empty my pockets and scanned me with a metal detector. It turns out my opponent suspected me of cheating because he saw something in my pocket (I did have my hotel room key in there, which is likely what he saw). I also tend to use the bathroom more often than usual during a game for whatever reason (I guess the thinking and/or nerves gets the juices flowing), so perhaps that contributed to his suspicion as well.

It was the last round, but both of us had 2.5/5 at that point, so we weren't playing for money.

Also, I should note that I saw his mom arguing with the TD later, so perhaps she suspected me, not him (she did keep an eye on our game). I don't blame him or his mom for what happened. If they really did think I was cheating, it makes sense to report it. The TD handled it very well; they do great work and deal with a lot.

Just a minor inconvenience, but kind of crazy! Has anything like that ever happened to you?
I have checked literaly douzends of players in my live. Some I suspected some I didn't. At a certian level there are random checks in players performed. And I think it is a good idea. Because if you are just a random checked player noone suspect you in anything. If your are singled out and other players see this it might influence them regardless if something is found or not.
sounds like the TD handled it well. It also sounds like a helicopter Mom.

I've actually been caught with my mobile phone at a tournament once. I had forgotten to turn it off and give it to the director, because I'm not used to carrying a phone with me all the time. (Drives my wife crazy, because even when I do have it, I have it on silent mode so I don't hear the ring when she calls). But the one time I remembered to take my phone with me, my sister in law calls me to ask how I'm doing and if I'm too busy to chat. While I'm in the middle of a game. My opponent was mildly amused, but he was winning anyway.
This is quite a good experience, and I applaud that the TD actually took action in a sensible manner.

Usually when I play tournaments, you see people with rectangular things in their pocket running around. And while the TD just announced over the speakers how to handle mobile phones and smart watches, they don't think it addresses them.

I ask my opponent if they forgot to take their phone out of their pocket, and they would often just say "oh", switch it off and put it back in their trousers. Typically after another hint it ends up next to the board, completely switched off - which is technically not ok but fine from a practical point of view.

I am really tired of this stuff, and when you lose afterwards you think "well, I could have just cashed in free Elo instead".
Solution: both players should always go to bathroom together. Clock paused for that period.
@TrainingOTB said in #6:
> Solution: both players should always go to bathroom together. Clock paused for that period.
Watch your opponent in the stall to ensure no funny business goes on.
hello ,

look at this game

he ha ten seconds and when he moved he got 3 seconds extra and there was no increment

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