
Experience of learning English as a second language

How long did it take you to become fluent in English and what difficulties have you experienced along the way?

I find the grammar rules quite difficult to grasp
@Rashell29 said in #1:
> How long did it take you to become fluent in English and what difficulties have you experienced along the way?
> I find the grammar rules quite difficult to grasp
What about the grammar rules do you find difficult
<Comment deleted by user>
@Rashell29 said in #1:
> How long did it take you to become fluent in English and what difficulties have you experienced along the way?

Not too long but fluency is one thing and mastery is another.IMO, the grammar is not too bad but I’ve always found it hard to keep track of the idioms, expressions and double entendres, even to this day.
The other day I was DM’ing an English friend on lichess and I used the phrase “been around the block” to highlight my experience in something. She then told me that I sounded like a “village tart”... lol.

> I find the grammar rules quite difficult to grasp

I wouldn’t worry too much about the grammar. Native English speakers butcher their own language on a daily basis.
I had the luxury of time. I was exposed to English as a kid, and I learned a lot by watching English TV as a teen. Then, I went to a bilingual University. In my first 2 years all classes were in French. In third year, all classes in my field were in English so that's when I first struggled.
@myoung11 said in #2:
> What about the grammar rules do you find difficult

Trying to fit it all together and I find tenses a bit confusing sometimes.
@Dukedog said in #4:
> @Rashell29
> Your sentences seem well structured.You seem to be doing quite well. :)

Thank you. I’ve been learning the language for quite a while but I still haven’t become quite fluent.

@TeenageDimwit said in #6:
>I used the phrase “been around the block” to highlight my experience in something. She then told me that I sounded like a “village tart”... lol.

That is a bit funny and unfortunate.

> I wouldn’t worry too much about the grammar. Native English speakers butcher their own language on a daily basis.

I haven’t talked to many native speakers so I’m not sure.
> I used the phrase “been around the block” to highlight my experience in something. She then told me that I sounded like a “village tart”... lol.

You used "been around the block" correctly. What's a village tart? is that like a homemade pie or something? ;)

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