
Great Danya video (speedrun - 1500)

I'm watching the Danya Master Class Speedrun. The analysis is awesome.

So far this is my favorite video:

Danya purposefully ignores theory and gets into what would be a game-ending problem for me at the beginning. He explains very well how to play defense and get out of the problem. Then he wraps up the game, acting like he's got veins filled with ice, with just seconds to spare. Good discussion during the game and great post-game analysis.
It’s difficult to pick a favourite, each video is so good. Fantastic ideas and concepts explained in such a fun and compelling way without losing the depth. The way he defers the more complex lines and problems to after the game, and then relates them to interesting examples and games in his post analysis, makes it so much easier to follow.

He is talented beyond his prowess at chess.
Isn't it like a reverse speedrun if you use up every second on your clock. Very interesting though

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