
Beginner Endgames You Must Know!

4 • Wotifr •
  1. Staircase mate
  2. Sideways staircase mate
  3. Staircase mate with a rook
  4. Exercise 1: Staircase mate with a rook
  1. Bowlads
  2. Wotifr

More Endgames You Must Know!

2646 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Sacrificing for king activity
  3. Freezing a pawn majority
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Winning Chess Tactics - Great Tacticians and Their Games

59 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Anderssen - Kieseritzky, The Immortal Game
  3. Anderssen - Dufresne, The Evergreen Game
  4. Morphy - Duke of Braunschweig/Count Isouard, The Opera Game
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Knights | How to dominate your opponents!

13 • Ranveer99 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Bishop dominating a knight
  3. Pawns dominating a knight
  4. An uneasy knight post
  1. Ranveer99

Knights | How to dominate your opponents!

13 • Wotifr •
  1. Bishop dominating a knight
  2. Pawns dominating a knight
  3. An uneasy knight post
  1. Wotifr

Sacrificios de Calidad 2

3 • Ibrachess1 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Important note!
  3. When the exchange sacrifice is just a win...
  4. Another exchange sac that is just winning
  1. Ibrachess1

Always sacrifice the exchange!

1552 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Important note!
  3. When the exchange sacrifice is just a win...
  4. Another exchange sac that is just winning
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Learn the Caro-Kann like a BOSS

1698 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Learning from this study
  2. The Dojo Sparring Philosophy
  3. Introduction to the Caro-Kann
  4. Section 1: Main line (3. Nc3 dxe4)
  1. GM jessekraai
  2. dylanhake
  3. NoseKnowsAll

Rooks | Infilitrate for activity!

1604 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Heaven: the 7th rank
  3. The real infiltration rank
  4. Capablanca gets "pigs on the 7th"
  1. numky
  2. NoseKnowsAll

Zurich 1953 with analysis

5 • UnholyChild_2000 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Taimanov - Bronstein, Benko Gambit (Rd 1)
  3. Euwe - Kotov, Benoni Defense (Rd 1)
  4. Stahlberg - Boleslavsky, King's Indian (Rd 1)
  1. UnholyChild_2000

One Bishop Saves The Day - Sergei Tkachenko (Part II)

  1. Position No 63- White to play and draw
  2. Position No 64- White to play and draw
  3. Position No 65- White to play and draw
  4. Position No 66- White to play and draw

Rook Endgames You Must Know!

2326 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fundamental rook endgames
  3. The Philidor position
  4. Exercise 1: Reaching the Philidor
  1. NoseKnowsAll

One Bishop Saves The Day - Sergei Tkachenko (Part I)

  1. Introduction
  2. Position No 1- White to play and draw
  3. Position No 2- White to play and win
  4. Position No 3- White to play and draw

Masterpieces with Nose: Judit Polgar

48 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Polgar, Judit (2635) - Shirov, Alexei (2695)
  2. Judit Polgar - Viswanathan Anand
  3. Judit Polgar - Viswanathan Anand
  4. Judit Polgar - Anatoly Karpov
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Intermediate Endgames You Must Know!

4684 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. The rule of the square
  3. The rule of the square: small caveat
  4. Revisiting opposition
  1. NoseKnowsAll

Zurich 1953 with analysis

5 • PlayerWithNoStyle •
  1. Introduction
  2. Taimanov - Bronstein, Benko Gambit (Rd 1)
  3. Euwe - Kotov, Benoni Defense (Rd 1)
  4. Stahlberg - Boleslavsky, King's Indian (Rd 1)
  1. PlayerWithNoStyle