

1 • JellyBeanThief •
  1. Practical Endgame: Kasparov - Karpov 1987
  2. Game Analysis: Kasparov - Shirov 1994
  1. JellyBeanThief


1 • JellyBeanThief •
  1. Mainline
  2. 2... c5
  3. 2...c5 but quick
  1. JellyBeanThief
  2. webberfrog

Scandi Theory

1 • JellyBeanThief •
  1. Mainline: 3... Qa5
  2. Mainline: 3... Qd8
  3. 2... Nf6
  1. JellyBeanThief

Illinois Team Amateur-North

1 • JellyBeanThief •
  1. Michael 1
  2. Michael 2
  3. Michael 3
  4. Michael 4
  1. JellyBeanThief

Hersey Practice

1 • JellyBeanThief •
  1. Italian
  2. London
  3. Pawn endgame king in front
  4. Pawn endgame king behind
  1. JellyBeanThief
  2. cmammen
  3. webberfrog

Shitty Openings and how to Beat Them

3 • JellyBeanThief •
  1. Grob
  2. Stafford
  3. Blackburne-Shilling Trap
  4. Englund
  1. JellyBeanThief
  2. webberfrog

Chess Academy League Analysis

4 • JellyBeanThief •
  1. TheOnlyWayUp124 - Lo_ay
  2. kulovich - Xwtek
  3. rsaavedra - ScathGD
  4. The_KingPin28 - Random-Pawn
  1. JellyBeanThief
  2. webberfrog
  3. RonnieWRLD


3 • JellyBeanThief •
    1. JellyBeanThief
    2. jlawlaw
    3. webberfrog
    4. zoplik90


    1 • JellyBeanThief •
    1. Cool tactic - white has just made a winning move
    2. Liu,J - Sia Xin Jie,S
    3. Rook endgame tactic
    4. Another Tactic
    1. JellyBeanThief