
Search "user:shashist"

27 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What rating can I ultimately hope to achieve?#5

I wouldn't worry about it. I learned all that I know playing chess here, and by briefly going through tutorial on the last chessmaster. Before that I just briefly knew the game.

Lichess Feedback - Didn't we have match stats?#1

Like number of games played with white/black?

Lichess Feedback - Are there any stats for whole lichess?#1

I'm mainly just interested in quirky statistics, game with most move in 1 min.

Lichess Feedback - Sluggish UI When Dragging Pieces#6

You're dragging them? Why would you be doing that. It's slow and cumbersome. Just click piece, click destination. Problem solved.

Lichess Feedback - Sluggish UI When Dragging Pieces#4

That can also be caused by normal lag. Check your ping when you are experiencing sluggish movement and when you aren't. It's in your the profile dropdown box next to inbox.

Lichess Feedback - Stuck move bug.#5

I managed to replicate it. Started a game, filled my connection with down-traffic, and it happened again. In this game: on my move 10 I couldn't move my bishop to b2.…

Lichess Feedback - Takeback after checkmate#4

Yea, same. Both of these things have been annoying me considerably. Especially filling of my profile with games against stockfish. Sometime I just don't want to bother running my engine since stockfis…

Lichess Feedback - Stuck move bug.#3

You won't see much in a replay. I'd need to get a video to really show it, but it happened last in this game: My move 9. I couldn't move my Queen to c2. As you can se…

Lichess Feedback - Stuck move bug.#1

This happened to me couple of time, so I'm certain it's a bug. Lag on my side, I'm getting that canceled move bug, that happens when it lags sometime. I premove, but game will cancel it, not a big pro…

Lichess Feedback - How do I mass unblock people?#3

Ah, that's it. One more question, there are some players on that list that I don't have unblock enabled. Are those the ones that blocked me?
