
Search "user:roni_chessman"

76 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Reducing blitz addiction. How do you do it? :) #1

This year I plan on returning to FIDE/CFC rated tournaments and plan on using Lichess to train. Then I decide to play 5 blitz games. 40 Blitz games later, I just drained the valuable opening lines I s…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Tactical Puzzles. Are they flawed? #1

From what I understand, these puzzles are taken from actual games of people. Sometimes, there are calculated sequences that have two winning solutions as per move by move basis. OR the move I chose I …

General Chess Discussion - The Puzzle Trainer = Quite Flawed? #1

I'm no IM or GM, but there are multiple answers to many solutions with exact same amount of moves...but they are considered wrong. What's up with that? Anybody else experience this?

General Chess Discussion - Tactical Puzzles - Who checks the quality of the answers?#1

Many of the puzzles have multiple answers or similar wins in the same amount of moves. And yet, I get my variation marked as wrong and lose points. Anybody else notice this? It's making me doubt my ta…

General Chess Discussion - Preparing for a standard tournament. Have not played in 6 years. #16

@chessanalyst @DrHack @NM BigH @xophi @Bad_Bishop_Jones @legend 3/4 in the under 2000 section. Placed joint second. Lost my first game as black in a Taimanov-Sicilian setup because of an inaccurate sa…

General Chess Discussion - What's up with the puzzle trainer?#4

@seanysean Thanks. Lichess has been amazing. I may even consider a shelling some $ to this site because developer support is pure dedication. @purefan I like the difference between Lichess tactics tra…

General Chess Discussion - What's up with the puzzle trainer?#1

Not sure If its just my experience, but at least 3 or 4 out of 10 puzzles have multiple solutions with the "same number of moves" as the "correct" answer. So if its mate or material to win in 4, puzzl…

Game analysis - A bit trolling for fun#15

@MorningCoffee Thanks for that anecdote with your friend. It's true, when your chips are down, you become more resourceful with your pieces and mindful of your defensive setup. Your friend on the othe…

Game analysis - A bit trolling for fun#5

@MorningCoffee That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while. That's some exceptional trolling and against-odds playing. Development? Tempo? King safety? Never heard of them! Queen? That's worth 3 po…

General Chess Discussion - People who continue to play after blundering a queen in the opening: WHY?#3

@inversed I think the rationale is precisely that, to annoy you into blundering. In GM levels, its quite unsportsmanlike to keep playing after blundering your Queen (hey it does happen). In lower leve…
